Event Description:
This is Real Life is a Rialto open mic-style storytelling hour where YOU are the star. Got a great (or even mediocre) story about that time when …? Of course you do! Come hone your skills or just listen and share some laughs—and sometimes tears—with us on the third Wednesday of every month.
Stories must be true to life (but as with all good yarns, we won’t complain if you embellish).
Each storytelling spot is 10 minutes long. You don’t have to take up thewhole time. Sometimes the best stories are short and sweet.
We love to see people working on their skills. You don’t have to be a pro to get up onstage.
RESPECT THE STORYTELLERS! They are sharing a piece of their lives with us, good, bad, or ugly.
Coming Up:
Stroke of Luck
Sometimes you just get lucky. Come tell us about a time when you found that metaphorical pot of gold, or even just a shiny penny on the sidewalk at the March Story Hour!
The Fool
In tarot, the fool isa card that represents walking into a situation on faith. In April, the fool represents silly pranks. At our April story hour we want to hear about both! Come tell us about a time when you made a choice with wild abandon, or when you pulled off the trick of a lifetime!
Come tell a story, sing a song, or just enjoy the evening while we entertain you!
Come in early and Eat and Drink at Paninoteca in The Rialto Living Room starting at5pm!